Here’s an Example of an 800# Scam

ALERT: Computer Virus Scam

Here’s a an example of a computer virus I removed this week. These are very common and become a nuisance because you cannot shake them from your browser. More so, they slow down your computer until it becomes unusable.

How This Computer Virus Scam Works

If you find one of these computer viruses on your system, DO NOT CALL THE 800#!  The phone number connects you to someone off-shore.  They then request to access your computer remotely (REALLY BAD IDEA).  Once on your computer, they will ‘demonstrate’ how infected your computer really is and offer to remove all the infections for anywhere from $200 – $1000 (I had a client tell me that was what they were quoted 2 weeks ago). Instead, give us a call. We remove viruses and spyware like this regularly, and can help you with yours, as well.

Here’s how our Virus Removal Service works

If you have questions or need further Virus Removal assistance, you can Contact Us on our page, or call us directly at (512) 693-8070

By | 2017-07-17T03:50:00-05:00 December 12th, 2016|Computer Scam, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Here’s an Example of an 800# Scam